Sample Custody and Visitation Schedules for Utah Parents

dad visit son

One important step in child custody discussions is negotiating a custody and visitation schedule. Parents can propose their own parenting plan based on the best interests of the child, and upon approval, the court can enforce the terms of the custody schedule.

Whether you and your spouse are on amicable or adversarial terms, you may be struggling to come up with ideas for a parenting time schedule. After all, who wants to relinquish time with their child? In today’s blog, we propose some common parenting time templates that you can use as starting points to jog some ideas.

Sample Custody and Visitation Schedules for Utah Parents

Before drafting your schedule, keep in mind that Utah law establishes minimum amounts of parenting time for the noncustodial parent and child (aged 5-18):

The custodial parent is also entitled to 2 weeks of uninterrupted parenting time for vacation when school is not in session.

Example Schedules – 50/50, 60/40, 70/30, 80/20

With the above in mind, here are some sample visitation schedules: