Writing Topic Sentences — Purpose, Structure, and Examples

A topic sentence in academic writing identifies how a body paragraph relates to the overall purpose of an essay stated in the thesis statement. Topic sentences are usually at the beginning of a paragraph and identify the paragraph’s controlling idea.

While an essay’s thesis statement identifies the point of the essay in its entirety, the topic sentence has a much narrower focus, as it relates only to the paragraph in which it is located.

Topic sentence vs. thesis statement

What is the purpose of a topic sentence?

Purposes of a topic sentence

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How to write a topic sentence

To write a topic sentence, incorporate the following guidelines:

  1. Determine the thesis of the essay.
  2. Identify the main supports that help prove the thesis.
  3. Use each main support to structure a topic sentence for each paragraph.
  4. Compose a sentence that answers the following questions:

How to write a topic sentence

Where is the topic sentence in a paragraph?

Topic sentences can be placed at the beginning or end of a paragraph.

Topic sentence examples

The following list identifies topic sentences based on the provided thesis statements for five-paragraph essays:

Thesis Statement: Capital punishment should be banned because it is inhumane, unconstitutional, and ineffective at deterring crime.

Thesis Statement: College athletes should be financially compensated because they sacrifice their minds and bodies, cannot hold an outside job, and increase the school’s revenue.

Example topic sentences

Thesis Statement: Using alternative energy sources can help lessen the impact of global climate change.