Declaring Your Major

Petition to declare a major as soon as you complete major qualification requirements, or reach your declaration deadline quarter, whichever comes first. Students who enter UCSC as frosh or sophomores must be formally declared in a major before enrolling in their third year (or equivalent). Junior transfer students must be declared in a major by the deadline in their second term at UCSC.

Beginning fall 2022 we have a new major declaration process that will be easier for all students!

Step 1: Log into MyUCSC and click the link to submit the Petition for Major/Minor

Step 2: Follow all of the instructions provided in the links below for the major you're trying to declare. If you have questions, contact your major advising office about the other steps in the declaration process. Petitioning is only one part of major/minor declaration.

If you are planning to declare a double major or major/minor program, please review this information before getting started.